BBS develops and manufactures microdisplay kits , from DLP, HTPS and LCOS spacial light modulators used e.g. in 3d printing, 3d scanning, holography and resarch applications.

LCD micro display kit

3-LCD micro display system

spatial light modulator kitspatial-light-modulator-kit-microdisplays

DLP microdisplay kit



                                    Electronics & FPGA Development



illuminated color LCOS
 microdisplay kit

microdisplay illuminated


DLP display + controller
custom design



Please make sure to
visit our new Website

 near to eye   
custom design


LCOS or DLP Controller with
SONY or Texas Instruments (TI)
Micro Panels

customized developments

LCD-Controller with
 Micro Displays
spatial light modulators SLM

Industrial Applications:
Direct Imaging Lithography
Spatial Light Modulator (SLM)
Laser Marking and Repair Systems
Computer-to-Plate Printers
Rapid Prototyping Machines and 3D Printers
3D Scanners for Machine Vision and Quality Control

Medical Applications:
Phototherapy Devices
Vascular Imaging
Hyperspectral Imaging
3D Scanners for Limb and Skin measurement
Confocal Microscopes
Surgical Microscopes

Display Applications:
3D Imaging Microscopes
Compressive Sensing
Intelligent and Adaptive Lighting
Augmented Reality and Information Overlay
Near to eye (NTE)
HUD Systems
Cinema Projectors

    * Microdisplay size from 0.6" to 1,8"
    * Resolution from 800x600 (SVGA), 1400 x 1050 (SXGA+) 1920x1200 (WUXGA), 4K
    * Frame rate from 60Hz to 120Hz
    * Digital and analog drive schemes
    * Monochrome and color-field-sequential LCOS or DLP microdisplays
    * Amplitude and phase modulating LCD or LCOS  micro displays

LCD-Microdisplays from Epson, LCOS from Sony, DLP panels from TI
 and others are available.

last change on January 12. 2023

bbs mikro displays

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